It doesn't like the config file to be read only. It still opens the stat tracker window, but once you close that all menu options are ghosted and you can do anything except kill the program from the desktop. The new graphics options seemed to take so I made the. Then I tried putting the settings how I want them, tabbed back to the desktop and used notepad to open the settings.cfg file in the KSP directory. I deleted the local content, got rid of the directory and let steam redownload the game. It's also a completly stock unmodded copy of the game. It's only the version that supposedly installed itself properly through steam that has this issue. The more annoying thing is that when I copied the KSP directory from my old machine through the network and set steam to run it as a non-steam game, I don't have this problem.
The annoying thing is that this is a new machine that had no trace of KSP and I let it do the full download through steam. If I tell it to verify a second time it says all files are up to date, but when I run the game it's back at defaults and when I quit and re-verify it says 2 files need to be downloaded. If I verify the local files, it always reports that 2 files need to be downloaded. The only thing it leaves alone are the keybinds, but the graphics settings are all reset to default.

Every single time I run the game it shows me the tracking window and resets most of my settings to default. So I tried again with the controller plugged in before starting KSP up and that seems to have done it properly. Which leads me to believe it is the controller inputs causing problems, and not just changing certain settings. I also remember Squad saying they were changing the way controllers were handled in one of the dev updates. The way I had to fix it was to delete the settings config and restart the game. It kept doing this even after I unplugged the controller and deleted all of the bindings. However, it was fullscreen even though the settings had reset to windowed 720p. After that, everytime I started the game, it would give me the prompt about sending game data to Squad and all of my settings would be reset. I was able to move around in other menus and go back to the main menu, but the inputs screen would freeze again when I clicked the button to assign an input. The menu froze on that screen after I changed one input. I plugged mine in with KSP booted up and tried to change the inputs.
So, when you have an object of type KSType, we can get the fully qualified name by using the code below.It definitely has something to do with controllers. However, in order to get the information about the type, KSTypeReference must be resolved by calling resolve function that returns the object of the type KSType.

If we use KSPropertyDeclaration.type, we get the object of type KSTypeReference . So, how do we get the fully qualified name of the type? We won’t need to go back and forth between the import declarations and places in the code where the type is used, during the code generation. We will use the second option as it is easier to implement.

While argName part is straightforward, just getting simpleName property from the property declaration, the ArgType part requires considering 2 additional steps.įirstly, we not only need to generate the argument type but also make sure it is imported to the file. For each property, we need to simply generate function arguments in a format argName: ArgType.