In a previous paper (Munn 1971), I examined Trobriand magic as a constructive process a similar approach was suggested by Tambiah (1968). I would also like to express my appreciation to the Gawan people for their help.ġ. I am grateful to the National Science Foundation for supporting funds for both trips. Fieldwork on Gawa was carried out in 1973-1974 (twelve and a half months) and 1975 (two months).

* The present article is a revised version of a paper presented in the Art and Anthropology colloquia at Harvard University, 1975. Since production forms the grounds of exchange, we may speak of each mode of conversion as constituting a different plane, that of exchange representing Gawa, an island of some 445 people in the northeast Massim region of Papua- New Guinea, is one of the main producers of seagoing canoes (waga) in the area, and an important link in the Kula trade ring.3 I argue that to understand what is being created when Gawans make a canoe, we have to consider the total canoe fabrication cycle which begins in production with the conversion of raw materials into a canoe, and continues in exchange with the conversion of the canoe into other objects. In the present paper, I examine Gawa canoes from this perspective. Fabrication seen in this way, does not end with technological construction, but consists of the total cycle of conversions effecting significant changes in an object. "Fabrication" taken in this broad sense has certain generic features : shifts of matrix or context are made (elements are separated from one context and entered into another), and shifts of organizational level ("new" objects or elements reformulate primary ones on another level).2 This view of fabrication sets the stage for a study of making processes not simply as, for instance, technological construction, but rather as developmental symbolic processes that transform both socially significant properties or operationalĬities of objects, and significant aspects of the relations between persons and objects, between the human and the material worlds. Man, as Marx (1961 : 102) put it, "sees his own reflection in a world which he has constructed." It is necessary, however, to expand the notion of construction to include not simply the physical reshaping of material media, but also verbal operations such as magical spells1 and other modes of conversion such as exchange. The treatment of the object world as a " potential for making something else out of what is given" (Munn 1971) is a characteristic feature of human orientation. In his 40s, Horgan was diagnosed with bladder cancer but underwent surgery and recovered.The Spatiotemporal transformations of Gawa canoes. In late October, Horgan revealed that a growth had been detected in his throat but that he had “been here before,” a reference to his previous battle with cancer. “It’s very concerning when you hear the word ‘cancer.’” “It’s the news that nobody wants to hear,” he said. The statement that Horgan requires cancer treatment is a worry, said Farnworth. “He’s eager to get back here as soon as he can,” he said.

Horgan participated virtually at the government’s cabinet meeting Wednesday and was also present for Thursday’s regular gathering of the New Democrat caucus, said Farnworth. “My role is to support him in any way I can,” Farnworth said Thursday. Solicitor General Mike Farnworth, whom Horgan appointed deputy premier last month after he announced the biopsy surgery, said he will fulfil whatever duties the premier requires of him. I look forward to being back in the legislature and travelling in the new year.” Your support gives me strength and humbles me. “I would, again, like to thank everyone who sent their well wishes. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Manage Print Subscription / Tax Receipt.Vancouver Sun Run: Sign up & event info.